My Lovely Banner...

>> Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another work of art indeed...and the result is astonishing! isn't it?This banner was passionately hand painted by me using CS3, the lovely princess image was my entry a year ago in as Mixed Manipulation entry and Digital drawing. just made some fixes on the background,and the jewels on the image. I find it so appropriate and lovely and suites my taste well...

Sparkling beauty indeed...I dreamed as if I was her, The Goddess of Beauty in My Shimmering lovely!

Quality Print, Great Service...That's VISTA Print.

>> Thursday, September 27, 2012

Need high quality print with great service? then you need Vista Print, all product prints are satisfaction guaranteed starting to their Business cards, Marketing Products, Invitations and Stationery, Clothing as well so what are you waiting for? Hurry! visit VISTA Print to take advantage of their 30% discount on all of their product also giving away at start a "free" Business card, Offers Expires 9/29/21012 grab the chance now!.

Other Hobby I loved so much

>> Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hello everyone! I would like to share my other hobby aside from jewelry making I'm an artist at heart for all you know though I can't really push it through because of I'm really having a hard time on time management..but this is what I really love to do...I became a member here last year and it brings out the best in me... where I can use my talent to earn as well because in this site they have a lot of contest with regards in the art such as Photography, digital drawings, photoshop, 3D contest etc. In my case I submitted 6 entries but as a newbie I know have to learn more but the most important thing is I learned and enjoy my art work.

Mobile Blogging on the Go

>> Monday, September 24, 2012

As I keep having time to update this blog and want to change and delete some dead links I see this latest feature of Blogger "Mobile Blogging on the Go" I immediately tried it on my android phone because I know it will be useful to me to keep my blogs updated and access it whenever and wherever I want but not lucky for now because it's not supported here in the my country (Philippines) but I know sometime soon this will be available here and will definitely use it. Have anyone tried it?


I am so confused...whether to blog or just enjoy myself as a wife and a full time house mom I know I missed so much...i think a part of my life is missing then i find myself here in front of my computer updating my blog again, maybe I just lost my way, or just having difficulties in time management...after giving birth to my fourth child  I really left my blogs behind and the result is "regret" in terms of monetizing my blog but "happy" so happy for my family. I actually lost my other blog ( because I believe that I can no longer maintain it but still paying for it..what's the use?just being practical right?.
Maybe this time I can have time to regularly update my blogs (yehey!) I"m not promising but I working on that. That's it for now, well about my hand crafted jewelries? also working on that, I will just post everything in here.

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