I Joined Fleur de Liz Giveaway...

>> Monday, May 31, 2010

To Everyone who wants to win this lovely Bracelet and other prizes Fleur de Liz Creation is up for a giveaway and it's open until midnight of June 25, 2010 so hurry join now...Open Internationally !!!

For more Information Click here

My Bead Works...

>> Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Did you know that a "Bead" is a small decorative object that is usually pierced for threading and the art or craft of making things using beads are known as "Bead works".

There are many different types of beads these includes Natural Beads - made of naturally occurring materials both organic ( i.e.both animals and plants origin ) and inorganic ( purely mineral origin ) the Natural organic consist of bones, corals, horn, ivory, seeds, shell and wood, Pearl also belongs in this group  it is known as the ultimate bead of natural origin also amber and jet because both undergone a partial geologic "fossilization",
Natural inorganic includes various types of  stones ( from gemstones to minerals ) precious and semi precious stones and also metal.

Synthetic Materials here includes materials used for bead making such as ceramics, pottery, glass and plastic fusible beads also known as perler beads or melty beads.
Plastic fusible beads (i.e. see photos above) comes in many colors and shapes it is very colorful and some are glittery that is why it is very much nicer to make it a  teens and kids necklaces, bracelets and accessories.

These necklace I have made for my daughter is made of plastic beads and pearls strung together to make it a nice choker necklace for kids and also for fashionable teens of today.

Swarovski Crystals...famous in the world.

>> Saturday, May 22, 2010

Swarovski Crystals is one of the most recognized brand of crystals in the world today, Sold under Swarovski luxury brand name, these crystals have been famous in the world for their precision cut, shimmering and sparkling glow and clarity.

Swarovski Crystal offers a wide range of colors and shapes, an "AB" Swarovski Crystals ("AB" means Aurora Borealis ) is one of the popular swarovski crystals because of it's special coating that gives off a shimmering, brilliant and rainbow effect to the crystal.

Swarovski Crystals is commonly used in jewelries, fashion accessories, various crystal based ornaments, interior design objects, ornaments for handbags and a lot more...

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This Swarovski Crystal Necklace and Earrings Jewelry Set is made of Swarovski "AB" crystals 6mm light blue and pink bicones, uniquely designed using 14k Gold filled wires and balls so it is assured of non-tarnish and non-allergic reaction to skin.Very much nicer in person..

For more product information click here:

Charmed bracelet...

>> Thursday, May 20, 2010

Charms may have begun in a form of "amulet" to protect from evil spirits and bad luck.

In pre-historic age charms are in the form of shells, bones used for body adornments and serves as a symbol of faith and luck also some charms are made of human remain such as human bones and teeth because of their pre-historic belief that these bones from their love ones will still linger to protect them and give them luck.Charms usually worn as an amulet around neck to keep close to their hearts at all times.

Charms started as a fashion among noble classes and soldiers before entering the battle and before returning home to give to their love ones in the form of charm sword, crosses and skulls.
Charms also believed to represent a family origin, religious and political conviction.
Charmed bracelet of today is one of the latest trend in fashion jewelries, regardless of the later beliefs we have different beautifully designed charms available in the market.

I claimed my blog to technorati...

>> Wednesday, May 19, 2010

At last... I have successfully claimed my blog to technorati and now I'm waiting for their approval if they will include my blog to their directory of blogosphere, I'm having a hard time to put the claimed token because at first I don't know where to put it, I googled it and find different ways but it didn't succeed because technorati has a new way of claiming blogs that is to put the claim token in the new post until I find a site slideshare.net to has the step by step information about technorati presentation and after viewing it and followed the instruction there I succeeded at last Oh my!I can't imagine how simple and easy it is now...well It's just a lesson also to learned and to improved right? now I'm just waiting and hoping they will include me in their directory for me to gain more visitors and exposures to my blog and products.

Jewelry from then... and now...

Jewelry from then...
Jewelry started as a simple form of adornment to the body, early jewelries then is made of crafted from shells, bones, stones,mammoth tusk, and mother of pearl.

In the early cultures jewelry serves as an amulet to protect from evil eyes and in the time of the kingdoms jewelry was seen as a symbol of prowess in battle, a symbol of power and authority as like what we seen worn by pharaoh's and king's.

In the Renaissance period, jewelry became improved and focused to a new horizon because of the jewelers became exposed to different cultures that provides them different ideas in making jewelry using different materials such as gemstones, mined stones, quartz and crystals

and now...

Nowadays, we have improved and beautifully designed jewelries crafted with refinement and high grade quality jewelry with expensive worth but we also have jewelries beautifully designed that will not cost that much because jewelry nowadays became more versatile and open for everyone in fact, whatever your status in life you can still wear a beautiful and quality jewelry in a cheap price or you can make your own.

My version of Beaded Chandelier Earrings...

>> Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chandelier Earrings is one of the top in fashion trends in jewelries and  accessories it is commonly used by celebrities giving an instant popularity of that certain piece of jewelry and we adore it so we also wanted to have that certain piece of jewelry like what our favorite celebrities have..this is common especially if you are an avid fan in showbiz.   
The truth is celebrity jewelries and accessories are too expensive for it cost as much, but the good part of this is you can actually make your own in a fraction of price and using your distinct touch and creativeness, who knows what you have finished is more exquisite, much better than what we adore in celebrity jewelries. Just take a look of my own version.

Above photo is my own version of beaded chandelier earrings it is made of diamond shaped framed earrings with diamond shape glass beads and dangling beaded cubes giving a unique look unlike the typical chandelier earrings made with chandelier crystals that shimmer and can only be used in a formal attire.My own version of chandelier earrings is simply versatile you can wear it as it is, in any occasion and in any outfit regardless of what you wear and where you wear it, it simply stand out...so if you want to stand out amongst others this piece is a "must have".

An Update about the Contest...

>> Friday, May 14, 2010

The contest is still ongoing and will end on May 31,2010...

Here's the latest update on the contest :

The contest that is used to be open for Filipino Bloggers only but now I will open it for everyone who wants to join and have gone passed the instruction of signing up/followed my blog thru goolgle friend connect or MyBloglog and grab my button copy and paste it to their site and then that's it... they are qualified to win the prize.
Please be noted that I can only shoulder the shipping fee for Filipino blogger who won the prize but if  International blogger is the lucky one who won she/he must shoulder the shipping fee. That is in his/her own disgression to accept the prize and shoulder the shipping fee, if regardless of this condition and still want to join you are very much welcome...

To all the my followers and in MyBloglog you are included in the contest the only thing you should do is copy and paste my button to your site and if your done just post a message to my shout box so I can check it..

This is an  Honest to Goodness Contest meaning that I will actually put the names of the qualified entries in a bowl and will pick one lucky entry honestly...It's a typical type of raffling the entries so good luck to everyone...  

here's again the photos of the prize:

Thanks so much guy's I hope you will help me this contest to be successful and spread the information to your friends if they like to join.

oh ! before I forget about the shipping fee for International blogger who might win it depends on the location, and shipping fee will be deposited to my Paypal account and will shipped it via DHL or Fedex and will provide tracking number.

Thanks so much...


>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Now let's talk about STAINLESS STEEL JEWELRY...nowadays more and more people are seeking for much cheaper stuff's..so I provide here some information about stainless steel jewelry can be considered as a "best buy" because it is much cheaper and yet durable.

Let's take a look of these advantages using STAINLESS STEEL JEWELRY...
Stainless Steel jewelry has the same appearance as of that Silver jewelry however, when you consider the components to make this particular jewelry still stand out. It is much harder metal than silver and has distinct advantages such as:

NON - TARNISH :  Stainless steel jewelry does not tarnished because metal is one of the strongest of all jewelry metals,does not oxidize, that is why it is so durable considering that it is also used for other sterile purposes such as kitchens, hospitals, and other medical instruments.

NON - ALLERGENIC : Many people seem to be allergic in nickel found in most common jewelry metals, however stainless steel is a natural hard metal that does not incorporate to other alloys to make it harder, it is also known as one of the bio-compatible metals and can be worn by anybody because of its anti-allergic properties.

Stainless steel is not as shiny as other metal jewelry such as silver and gold that is why it has its own unique metallic appearance make it versatile in jewelry collection plus the fact that is much cheaper and easy to clean.

So why prefer for expensive jewelry while you can get a cheap yet high quality and durable STAINLESS STEEL JEWELRY?

how do you like my new Header?

>> Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hi guys, weee..I'm so glad I've found the right header for my blog ever since I started blogging I always want my site to have my personal touch...I used to work in my computer using photo shop experimenting,painting, designing all that stuff I loved because I'm a frustrated artist inside hehe...but still I'm not contented maybe because I want something unique,I just hope I will able to learn techniques to use photo shop so I can design my own page but unfortunately I'm just a novice and I'm willing to learn sometime if time allows me...

It's just a simple header but I like it so much with this header I became preoccupied of so many ideas to make my own someday. Thanks to HEADERSPOT.COM I have found the one for me...I'm sharing this to you my friends..

How do you like my new Header?Please post a comment

previous header

new header



Now is the perfect time to give our beloved mothers a simple token of love for without them where nothing in this world...so let's give credits to all the hardships they endure just to make us a better person, Mom's are so wonderful because nothing can quite compare the love they give to their child without expecting something in return, they're so wonderful because in time of need they are always there to help and guide us through, they are wonderful because we always comes first before them...most of all they loved "us" unselfishly...
To you Mom,
I love you so much... and now that I'm a mom I fully understand what you have gone through, you're so great... that,  words is not enough to expressed how much I love and value you...you made me became a better person and a better mom now so I will do exactly what you taught me, I will love my children just like how you loved me,will take care of them exactly how you take care of me, I will make sure they will become a better person like how you made me..I am what I am...that's because of "you" mom..I love you and Happy Mother's Day to "Us"...

 Here's a simple gift of appreciation you can give to your mom...it's a wonderful teardrop necklace uniquely designed by me it is made of Gold filled materials and a teardrop shape pendant...your mom will surely love this necklace..I also made one for my mom.(different design)


My CAMERON Dangling Earings...

>> Friday, May 7, 2010

This is my latest design of earrings I called this "CAMERON" dangling earrings because I love this design just like my favorite actress "CAMERON DIAZ".as you ca see this earrings is made of gold filled wires/balls and hematite balls designed like a grape fruit hanging.This earrings will never tarnish unlike the Gold plated ones because I used a high quality Gold filled materials like a real gold.
This CAMERON earrings is very much nicer in person and best to any face shape just like I have written in the last articles on "earring best for different faces" also this can be worn in any occasion and in any outfit will suit for this earrings that is why this CAMERON earrings with this design is a best buy. I can make this design with different colors and materials.

Some tips on how to make your own "CAMERON" dangling earrings:
1. First you need to have materials such as 3 kinds of pliers like exactly the photos below:
2.  Gold filled wires or any kind of wires necessary.use size 4 or 5 wires because it is easy to manage to make a loop.
 3. Balls any kind can be swarovski crystals,beads or whatever you like.

 1. Make a loop using the round nose pliers make it shape like an 8.
 2. after u make 8 shape do it again until u make 4 pieces of 8 shape and  connect each other until you make it looks like a chain.
 3. make a  small loop enough to lock the balls then put the balls and connect it at  the end of the chain, look then you can see a chain with a dangling balls.repeat procedures make 3 chains,2 chains then 1. and repeat again you should have 2 (3chains) 2(2chains) 2(1chain) all this with balls at the end.
4. make a  jump ring like the photos below, open the jump rings a little with your pliers then put the prepared chains,  first is the 4 chains then 3,2,1 at the other side put the another 3 chain,2 and 1 it should looks like a V.
5. using the wire again make a big question mark shape "?" and make a loop at the end then put the prepared jump ring with dangling chains through the loop then lock it by twisting the wire cut then pressed to locked. That's it !!! now you should make the other pair.
It's just easy to make your own "CAMERON Dangling Earrings" and you can actually make an experimental design using your imagination. so I hope this tips help you to make your own personalized earrings then it's up to you to named it so you can make your own identity design...uniquely you..

How to increase traffic and gain exposure to your product...

>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Literally we hate "traffic" because it consume more of our time and effort if where at the center of it, but it is different when it comes to what we call "internet traffic" more and more people are realizing the importance of driving traffic at their website or blog, today the competition is tough for this will arise the "internet marketing system" where people are searching for products and services to buy online or just looking around the net for the latest stuff online.The amount of traffic you can get is the amount of prospective buyers you can get for your business.
There are more effective was to drive traffic to your site especially to those website or blog with a personal touch,original content,valuable products to offer,and website that are updated,these are some ways but the most important is hard work and patience you can't just sit and leave your site to work itself and hope people will find your site on the net it's not a good business...

Hard work - hard work is essential to increase traffic to your website or blog for this will follow the way you keep your website/blog up to date always bear in mind that the web loves updated content for as they were seeking for it.as for my experience I always look for tips and information of others available on the net for these are the ground for a better website it's like "learning through others experiences".

Patience - It is very important to have this not just here but for a person as a whole because lacking of patience will result to failure,this is a long run process to build a stable website or blog especially if you want to earn from it.and even if your website is stable as you think you still don't even know what will happen next so always keep it up use your skills,techniques learned,hard work, and patience to see the result all the way up to success.

That's what I've learned since I've started blogging and until now I'm still learning and everyday for me is a learning process to improve it's kind'a hard
but a positive spirit lingers and I'm patiently waiting for the result of my hard work.

To see more of how to increase traffic in website or blog in details just click here:

Let's talk about Men's Watches...

>> Monday, May 3, 2010

Do you ever wonder why most men love watches?or should I say obsessed with it? My hubby is one of them if I would say and I really don't know why,I always ask him about this but the reason I get is a simple "because I like it" and I see him happy with it then it's fine with me.

Fashion statement for men - Watches are the only men accessories that will never out of fashion, although nowadays there are different watches styles and design available in the market.

Collecting Watches - Most men are into collecting watches and I have lots of men friends who's into it they say it's an investment as time goes by that's why they collect vintage watches.

Different kind of watches - There are many different kinds of watches and functions that evolves into centuries and now it's become almost a necessity. The basic is the dress watch,it is a slim watch, the design is elegant but simple and usually used in a formal attire.Another watch is the sports watch this watch is with different variation and you can distinguished by it's sporty design.Casual Watch is a watch that can be used in regular basis, in any occasion and in any outfit.

So now if you planning to buy a watch always consider your budget,your budget will dictate for the quality of the watch you will buy. Always bear in mind that it is important to buy a quality and all original watches even if it cost you that much because in time these are treasures within.

A month after for a Blog...a Contest and a prize...

>> Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's been a month now since I started to have a blog and It's kind a bit hard searching around without somebody teaching  me, its like I'm alone out of nowhere and I don't know where to go...just all by myself  until I see some result of my hard work and I feel it's getting better now,  until now I'm still learning ways by looking to others blog and searching for different method and instuction thru other's information on the net.

And now because I want to give credits also to others who helped me without them knowing and also to gain friends thru blogging I'm inviting Filipino blogger out there to join my site that's why I'm having a contest. see instruction above on how to join it's so simple!

At the end of the month I'll be given away the prize to a lucky winner of my beautiful "Hematite Heart Necklace" worth around 700.00php

The Prize will be shipped and received right at your doorstep after the contest. So what are you waiting for sign up now ...

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