On Vacation Mode

>> Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Photos by dreamstime
An over flowing excitement fills me right now, that's why I can't compose myself in writing this post as it was an impromptu post, just wanting to say what's on my mind and to just release the excitement in me, exaggerated right? well that's me...anyway, come to think of it, it's fairly a good and right timing for every families to have a vacation since it's school days break here in my country perfect time for me and my kiddo's to have joyful break we deserved, wow! including me? yah right! I deserved it more than they'll never know, after all the stressed and bunch of house work and everything I am so exhausted!...so this "break" is rightfully ours, now what else? well... I'm planning to go the beach at first to have a relaxing vacation but my kiddo's prefer to just go to their lolo's and lola's (grand parents) and have a family gathering just like our yearly vacation activities, go malling, carnival strolling, and whatever comes in mind, considering my brother will take us to " Manila Ocean Park " they'll surely gonna love it! ohhh my head! it's not a relaxing vacation I dreamed of, having that in mind makes me tired, but having to see my relatives and loved ones makes it worth the excitement right? that's it for now, got to pack our things for upcoming " vacation " or i may say " activities " since we have lot's of activities ahead. oh well should I need another break? indeed, but I will see to it that'll be of my benefit next time. wish me luck! LOL!

Nail Art Origin...

>> Friday, October 19, 2012

Just finished doing some nail art for myself and believe me it's not that easy so if you see some flaws please do bear with me...it's not my first time putting art in my nails and I still cannot perfect lol! anyways nothing is perfect right? I just want to see my nails beautiful and alive after a bunch of house work, it's just my little way of appreciating my pretty hands, I always do this twice a week all by myself, I don't go to salon, just do it on my own and I love it!. Since I started this " Nail art" thing in this post I will just add some information about it, Nail Art is simply putting art in your nails or painting something on it to give a nice look and style , but do you know that it was actually revolve in the ancient time? oh yes,It was originated from our ancestors, early women would dye their fingers with henna that leaves a bright red colors on it. It was a symbols of status in early era of Kings and Queens, amazingly good to be true, but it is...I am just happy that after thousand of years it still revolutionizing our fashion industry, good thing is we don't need to be Queens or be in a high society to have art in our nails right? and nowadays we have different nail polish variations of colors to choose from, much better means, designs and methods, such as nail art machine that put art in your nails in an instant, additionally for DIY nail art we use stickers, beads, swarovski stones, glitters and even fake synthetic nails.

DO's and DON'Ts on becoming an Online Shopper

>> Monday, October 15, 2012

© Photographer Johanna Goodyear | Agency: Dreamstime.com

As I've said on my previous post, before buying online you should have to consider the DO's and DON'ts of becoming an online shopper. Now let us start with the legitimacy of the site.
a) Make sure that the online store you are about to sign up is a legit one, how? well simply do a query, check the site Legal terms, Customer's feedback and other sites legal forms and requirements. If the site is new, well the risk is still there so it's up to you...if you find it good, then give it a go...much better to purchase in a more stable and trustworthy online store so you can buy with confidence.
b) After signing up, be sure to read Terms of Service, Frequently Asked Questions, even if find that lengthy paragraphs tiresome because there, all questions will be answered and this will be your guide to be a successful Online shopper, remember " Reading is Learning ".
c) Always read Seller's Feedback, if not present, then you should be cautious in dealing with the seller, I recommend to buy with the trusted seller based on their transactions made (feedback).
d) Be cautious in giving your Credit Card details, Bank Information and other financial information through internet, If you are paying online make it in a secure connection, if paying through Paypal  be sure to click the payment confirmation once because as of my experience the payment confirmation message were delayed perhaps because of internet connection or what?, if this is the case just go directly to your account then check if it was already deducted and it is surely does.
e) After you purchased and paid through paypal then you are in the right track, because paying through paypal leaves you no worries, you were secured and can have your money back if in case you were scammed.

Being an Online shopper saves a lot of effort, it is comfortable since you're shopping in the comfort of our home and receive it in front of our door especially for us mom's who requires much of our time for our family so online shopping saves us more than money but our valuable time. Hope this simple pieces of advice helps from a simple full time house mom like me.

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