On Vacation Mode
>> Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Photos by dreamstime
An over flowing excitement fills me right now, that's why I can't compose myself in writing this post as it was an impromptu post, just wanting to say what's on my mind and to just release the excitement in me, exaggerated right? well that's me...anyway, come to think of it, it's fairly a good and right timing for every families to have a vacation since it's school days break here in my country perfect time for me and my kiddo's to have joyful break we deserved, wow! including me? yah right! I deserved it more than they'll never know, after all the stressed and bunch of house work and everything I am so exhausted!...so this "break" is rightfully ours, now what else? well... I'm planning to go the beach at first to have a relaxing vacation but my kiddo's prefer to just go to their lolo's and lola's (grand parents) and have a family gathering just like our yearly vacation activities, go malling, carnival strolling, and whatever comes in mind, considering my brother will take us to " Manila Ocean Park " they'll surely gonna love it! ohhh my head! it's not a relaxing vacation I dreamed of, having that in mind makes me tired, but having to see my relatives and loved ones makes it worth the excitement right? that's it for now, got to pack our things for upcoming " vacation " or i may say " activities " since we have lot's of activities ahead. oh well should I need another break? indeed, but I will see to it that'll be of my benefit next time. wish me luck! LOL!